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Cork Underlayment


Cork Underlayments

 8mm Cork Underlayment STC 60IIC 59 With 6" Concrete Slab

  • Minimum purchase for UPS delivery option 480 s/f or two cases Sheets

  • Each Sheet is 2' x 3' (6 sq. ft. total)

12-mm-Cork-Underlayment s/f

  • Comes in Cases of 240 sq. ft.40 Sheets Per 1/2 in. Cork Underlayment 2' x 3'

  • Sheets (25-Pack box) total 150 s/f each box.​


This flooring is made from cork, which is harvested bark off of the cork tree. The bark of the tree grows back for over 200 years and can be stripped every 9 years, making this product a truly renewable product.

WaterProofs Floors SoundProofing


This flooring is made from cork, which is harvested bark off of the cork tree. The bark of the tree grows back for over 200 years and can be stripped every 9 years, making this product a truly renewable product.


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